Should all the princesses be pretty? Should all the princes be handsome? In Shrek, all the things are different! 所有的公主都应该是漂亮的吗?所有的王子都应该是英俊的吗?在《怪物史莱克》里面,都不是这么回事!——题记; In our imagination, all the creatures in fairy tales are perfect. The princesses are all beautiful and effeminacy; the princes are all tall and handsome (and they usually ride a white horse). The knights are cool, brave, loyal guys; the fairies are tiny little people. All the spells are evil; all the step-mothers are bad. In the past cartoons, everyone has a what-it-should-be face, and everything goes on a what-it-should-be way. But Shrek breaks them whole. 在我们的想象里,所有童话世界里的人物都应该是完美的。所有的公主的美丽而娇弱,所有的王子都高大而英俊,(他们通常都骑着白马),骑士都应该是冷酷、勇敢、忠诚的人,精灵都应该是超级小的人。所有的魔咒都是邪恶的,所有的继母都是坏的,在过去的卡通里,什么样的人有什么样的脸,所有的事情都照着模式发展。但是,《史莱克》打破了这一切。 The film begins with a typical Disney fairytale pattern, but such a romantic beginning is “destroyed” by Shrek’s big laugh. “That is not gonna happen! ”Yes, every mean-to-be thing is not gonna happen in Shrek. 电影以典型迪斯尼童话模式开始,但这个浪漫的开头被史莱克的大笑破坏了。“这是不可能发生的!”是的,所有想当然的事情都不会在《怪物史莱克》里发生。 The leading role is no longer a prince or a princess; instead, it is an ugly stink ogre. The princess who be cast a spell is not that effeminacy and beautiful. The prince (indeed a lord of a castle) is a person who is “in short supply”. The donkey is a chatter box, and the dragon is female. @_@ 主角不再是王子公主,取而代之的是一个丑陋的,浑身散发臭味的怪物;而被施了魔咒的公主也没那么漂亮娇弱;而王子(实际上只是个城堡主)是一个“供应短缺”(*注:经济学的词就用经济学的翻译)的人。驴子是个话匣子,喷火龙是个女生。 In the past fairy tales, spells are thought to be cast on prince, but in Shrek, the spell is cast on the princess. In the past fairy tales, people is enchanted to become ugly, but in Shrek, Fiona is enchanted to be beautiful. In the past fairy tales, dragons are terrible snake-like monster, but in Shrek, it is a lovely, friendly girl, and it (she) falls in love with the donkey. |||_||| 在过去的童话里,魔咒都施加在王子身上,而在《史莱克》里,魔咒施加在公主身上;在过去的童话里,被施了魔咒的人都会变丑,但在《史莱克》里,菲奥纳公主被施了“变漂亮”的魔咒;在过去的童话里,龙是可怕的蛇形怪物,但在《史莱克》里,它是可爱友好的女孩子,而且还和驴子坠入爱河…… “Ogres are like onions, They have layers.” Actually, People are the same. The way we know someone just like the way we peel the layers of onions. As we “peel” them layer by layer, we may come to find it quite different from what we see from the outside. The more layers we peels, the deeper we know about them. “怪物像洋葱,他们有层次。”实际上,人们也是一样。我们了解某人的方式就像我们剥洋葱皮。随着我们一层层地剥皮,我们会逐渐发现(我们所看到的)和从外面看到的完全不一样,我们剥的皮越多,我们对他们的了解就越深。 That makes me occur to the other movie Legally Blonde. In this movie, the situation of the heroine is opposite. People think little of her just because she is too blonde. Though Shrek and Legally blonde are quite different movies, they both tell us the same truth: We should not judge someone just by what he/she looks like, because it is not what he/she really is. 这让我想到了另一部电影《律政俏佳人》,在这部电影里,女主角的情况正好相反。人们不重视她只是应为她太漂亮。虽然《史莱克》和《律政俏佳人》是如此不同,但是他们都告诉我们同一个真理:我们不能靠外表来判断一个人,因为这不是他们真实的自己。
Shrek is an adaptation and subversion of classic fairy tales. In the original story, the beast turned into a handsome prince with the true love of the beauty. But in the movie, it reverses: the beautiful princess turned into an ugly beast after expressing her love toward Shrek. In addition, the dragon has a feminine character instead of a furious and destructive masculine figure. In fairy tales, the princess are always beautiful and will always find her Mr. Right, who’s bound to be handsome and charming. But in this way the character of the protagonists becomes fuzzy and far from the reality. On the contrary, this movie contains more human stuff. Magic or supernatural here aren’t that important, what matters is Shrek and Fiona themselves. Shrek wasn’t meant to save the princess; the princess wasn’t meant to fall in love with him either-but their own decisions brought them together. In the end, Shrek and Fiona, the two ugly ogres, lived happily-They are like all of us. This is not just make-believe. I bet most adults would appreciate this movie because they can see themselves-the imperfect yet unique ones-, which may account for the enormous success of the Shrek series.